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Two Big Lies Told to College Students

College - the place where you're supposed to work hard, learn lots, and emerge as a fully-formed adult ready to take on the world. But let's be real, college is more like a four-year vacation from reality. And one of the biggest lies they tell you is that for every 1 credit hour, you need 3 hours of study time. This is a major over generalization.

Let's break it down. You've got your basic filler courses, also known as "gen eds" or "university requirements" or whatever the hell your college calls them. These are the classes that you have to take no matter what your major is, and they cover everything from basic math and science to art history and gender studies. They're designed to make you a well-rounded individual, but let's be real, they're mostly just a way to pad out your schedule and make you pay more tuition.

So, do you really need 3 hours of study time for every 1 credit hour of, say, Intro to Psychology? Hell no. You can read the textbook on the bus ride to class and still come out with an B+ with no additional effort. And don't even get me started on group projects. Let's just say that if your group members are even halfway competent, you can spend most of your free time napping or scrolling through TikTok only for the algorithm to bring you here.

And let's talk about the drug dealers. They tell you that college is full of shady characters lurking in dark alleys, just waiting to sell you drugs that will ruin your life. But in reality, it's all a myth. Sure, there might be a few people who dabble in drugs, but it's nothing to be afraid of. You can easily say no and move on with your life. And if you do happen to want something, just ask Tyler down the hall. He'll hook you up with whatever you need, from the Silk Road (RIP) or wherever else from the dark web now a days and just have it shipped in an anime body pillow from Japan and it's all done in a safe and ethically sourced manner he can get you things ranging from Mountain Dew flavored aspirin to LSD. Plus, he'll probably throw in a free bag of Hot Cheetos.

So, there you have it. The truth about college. It's not all about working hard, it's about working smart. And if you can do that, you'll come out on the other side with a degree and a hell of a lot of stories to tell. Just don't forget to thank those around you for making it seem like there's allot more too it than there is.

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