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Things That Should Not Exist #1: High School Fraternities and Sororities

High school can be a time of awkwardness, confusion, and crazy antics. It's a time when we try to fit in, find our place in the social hierarchy, and figure out our way through life. What better way to add to the confusion and cringe-worthy moments than by introducing high school fraternities and sororities? Yes, you read that right. Just like their college counterparts, these organizations have Greek letter names and are modeled after the famous Greek life that we often see around our college campuses, reflected in movies, tv shows, as well as social media. But let's face it, high school fraternities and sororities are just downright absurd, cheesy, and cringy. In this blog post, we'll explore why these organizations were and are a ridiculous concept.

History Lesson Gone Wrong:

The history of high school fraternities and sororities can be traced back to the 19th and 20th centuries in the United States, where many local chapters of these organizations were established with the intention of preparing students for college-level fraternities. The first known high school fraternity, Torch and Dagger, was founded in Council Bluffs, Iowa in 1859, and from there, the trend of high school fraternities and sororities spread like wildfire. But let's pause for a moment and think about this. High school students, who are barely out of middle school, are being initiated into fraternities and sororities? Atleast with college students there's Atleast a handful of them with enough braincells to know when things are going too far (shout out e-boards)

Membership Madness:

One of the most ridiculous aspects of high school fraternities and sororities is the membership process. Just like their college counterparts, these organizations have elaborate rituals, ceremonies, and initiation practices for new members. But let's be real here - high school students are not exactly known for their maturity and sound judgment. So, imagine a bunch of teenagers, jacked up on hormones and Mountain Dew, trying to conduct secret ceremonies and perform while asking their parents to go to Olive Garden for the night so they can use their basement to initiate their new pledges.

And let's not forget the recruitment process. High school fraternities and sororities often go all out with posters, flyers, and social media campaigns to attract new members. It's like a popularity contest on steroids, I think between everything going on in school the last thing they need to focus on is now cliques starting.

Cringeworthy Traditions: One of the hallmarks of fraternities and sororities, both in college and high school, are their traditions. These traditions are often meant to foster a sense of brotherhood or sisterhood among members and create a sense of identity and pride within the organization. But in the case of a bunch of children fresh out the sack organizing and running fraternities and sororities, comes across as downright cringy, and is enough to make everyone agree these organizations have had their time but now it's time they be put to rest.

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