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The Skull & Bones Society Yales Most Infamous Organization

The Skull and Bones Society at Yale University is one of the most infamous secret societies in the world. Founded in 1832, the society has had some of the most influential people in American history as members, including former presidents, businessmen, and intelligence officials within multiple levels of the goverment. Yet despite its prominence, little is known about the society's inner workings and the true extent of its power and influence. In this blog, we will dive into the history, rituals, and alleged connections to political power of this secretive society.

History The Skull and Bones Society was founded at Yale University by William H. Russell, Alphonso Taft, and fourteen other members of the class of 1832. The society is known for its initiation rituals, which involve new members lying naked in coffins and revealing their sexual history to the other members. The society also has its own private island, Deer Island, where members go for retreats and engage in activities, now I'm not saying anything suspicious is going on here but secret societ and private island just really screams Epstein 2.0 to me.

The society's membership has included some of the most powerful people in American history. Former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were both members of the society, as were several other prominent politicians, including former Secretary of State John Kerry and former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart. Businessmen such as Henry Stimson and William Averell Harriman, who both served as secretaries of war, were also members.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Skull and Bones Society is its initiation rituals. According to some reports, new members are required to engage in various bizarre and sometimes disturbing activities. For example, they may be asked to lie naked in a coffin and reveal their entire sexual history to the other members. They may also be required to perform mock human sacrifices, engage in simulated sex acts, and take part in other strange and secretive rituals. But hey, doesn't sound any different than your run of the mill college fraternity now does it?

Members of the society are also given nicknames, which are often taken from literature or history. George W. Bush, for example, was known as "Temporary" while he was a member. Other notable nicknames include "Long Devil" for William Howard Taft and "Thor" for Henry Luce, the founder of Time magazine.

Connections to Political Power Given the high-profile nature of many of its members, it's no surprise that the Skull and Bones Society has been the subject of much speculation and controversy over the years. Some have suggested that the society has connections to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and that its members use their power and influence to shape American politics and foreign policy.

One of the most persistent rumors surrounding the society is that it is involved in a conspiracy to create a "New World Order" or one-world government. While there is little evidence to support this claim, it has gained a significant following among conspiracy theorists and those who are suspicious of secret societies in general.

The Skull and Bones Society remains one of the most secretive and mysterious organizations in the world. While its members have undoubtedly wielded significant power and influence over the years, the true extent of that influence is difficult to determine. Whether you believe the rumors and conspiracy theories or not, one thing is clear: the Skull and Bones Society will continue to fascinate and intrigue people for years to come.

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