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That Time Chiquita Banana & The CIA Overthrew Guatemala

Holy fuck, can you believe this? Today, I'm shining a spotlight on Chiquita Banana's shocking coup in Guatemala back in 1954, where this fruity powerhouse teamed up with the CIA to overthrow a government. There is a quote by George Santayana " Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it", this is me doing my due diligence to make sure that these types of one off crazy / almost conspiracy theory-esque type events do not go forgotten but rather live on forever in the confines of my blogs.

The Guatemalan Revolution began in 1944 when the people rose up against a military dictatorship. The revolution led to the election of President Arévalo, who implemented much more progressive reform and turned Guatemala into a democracy. However, these changes didn't sit well with the United Fruit Company (UFC), Chiquita Banana's partner in the coup. The UFC, whose exploitative labor practices were affected by the changing reforms, launched a relentless lobbying campaign to protect its profits pushing that Guatemala was moving to a communist structure.

Enter the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As the Cold War fear raged on, the U.S.

government saw the Guatemalan Revolution as a potential threat due to its perceived communist leanings. The UFC's lobbying efforts, combined with the anti-communist built up fear from the Soviet Union era, caught the attention of the CIA. They formed an unholy devils threesome with Chiquita Banana to bring down the democratically elected government of Guatemala.

In 1954, with the backing of the CIA, Chiquita Banana and the UFC initiated a coup against Árbenz's government. Operation PBSuccess was put into motion, and a force of mercenaries led by Carlos Castillo Armas, the chosen puppet of the CIA, invaded Guatemala. The coup had an extensive campaign of psychological warfare, including radio broadcasts, bombings, and a naval blockade, aimed at creating fear and instability.

The coup led to Árbenz being pulled from power and marked a dark chapter in Guatemala's history. Described as a deathblow to democracy, the overthrow of a democratically-elected government by a banana company in bed with the CIA was met with international criticism. The authoritarian regime that followed the coup engaged in brutalities, including genocide against the people of Guatemalan people, leading to decades of civil war.

This is a testament to the bizarre and sometimes terrifying realities of power dynamics in the world. It's time to peel back the layers of secrecy in the world and move forward to a time where fruits are just fruits and goverment agencies act in the public interest.

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