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Living with Roommates: Tales from the Trenches

As an 18-year-old college freshman, I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to tackle my college experience with a sense of adventure and excitement. Little did I know that my carefully selected roommate would turn out to be a complete nightmare. I'll refer to him as Tyler for privacy reasons, but trust me when I say that this guy was the stuff of legends when it came to terrible roommates.

The living situation was already challenging, with four guys crammed into a single room with bunk beds. But we had all talked beforehand, using our college's online roommate match system, and everyone seemed like a good fit - except for Tyler. From day one, he seemed determined to make our lives a living hell.

One of Tyler's favorite pastimes was creating messes in our already tight living space and leaving them for weeks without cleaning them up. He would go out of his way to steal entire three-course meals from the school cafeteria and bring them back to our room, amassing an impressive collection of dirty plates, coffee mugs, and glasses filled with 100% whole milk. It was like he was stockpiling for some kind of apocalypse, but instead of canned goods, it was dirty dishes.

Another problem we had with Tyler was his inability to follow through on plans. My other roommate and I were in the process of rushing a fraternity, and we would always invite Tyler to come along with us to parties, pregames, even just cook outs, and doing this with people on our floor . He would guzzle down our beers, swear up and down that he was coming with us, and then inexplicably crawl into bed and spend the night watching videos on his iPad. I'm taking 7 hours of discovery channel locked in.

But perhaps the most egregious offense committed by Tyler was his total lack of understanding when it came to showering. Now, I'm not talking about bad hygiene here - maybe he even showered too much to a fault. No, what really got to me was the fact that Tyler would get out of the shower soaking wet and then put his clothes on without drying off first. He would just shake his hair out a bit and then leave a trail of water everywhere he went. And when he sat down on our futon, he would leave behind a damp body print that would take hours to dry.

Living with Tyler was a lesson in patience, to say the least. I learned to keep my expectations low and to never leave my things out in the open. But looking back, I can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. It's like he was trying to be the worst roommate possible, and in that sense, he definitely succeeded.

In conclusion, living with a bad roommate can be a nightmare, but it's important to remember that these experiences can also be character-building. Whether you're dealing with a slob, a mooch, or a waterlogged weirdo like Tyler, just remember that you're not alone. With a little bit of humor and a whole lot of patience, you'll make it through.

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